And I believe that it is the responsibility of Christian parents, to emphasise this to their children. But that’s not what we’re talking about. Egg-laying bunnies, sunrise services, Lent—such strange customs. Here it goes.
In this Bible study, we will evaluate Easter from… Even New Year, Lent, Halloween and Christmas the think it is ok to do these. By Craig Bluemel . You came for one sentence. Other professing Christians believe that we should not celebrate Easter because of its pagan (non-Christian) origins and elements. No believer in Jesus kneels before the Christmas tree and worships it. Even today, a Christmas ham is a traditional favorite of many. During the 4th century the celebration of Christ's birth on December 25 was gradually adopted by most Eastern churches. Like Christmas, the historical roots and the secularization does not undermine the message in a sincere heart.
Should Christians Celebrate Easter? Doesn’t matter how many times telling anyone that Easter isn’t Christian, also the Messiah did not die on a Friday nor did He rise from the gave on Sun-day, Christians nearly always deny the truth. What do they have to do with Jesus’ resurrection, anyway? No attempt should be made to meet the Christmas (or Easter)-observing churches half-way. Should a New Testament Christian Celebrate Christmas and Easter? SHOULD CHRISTIANS CELEBRATE EASTER? History Of Easter . However, if you worship the (non-existent) football god or meet the Easter Bunny with worship, then you have not (yet) recognized what the relationship between you and God is about. Christians in India don’t celebrate Easter and Christmas do they? They are not worshipping the false goddess Eastre. With that in mind, I would like to share with you why I believe Christians can observe man-made religious days (like Christmas or Easter) without violating these principles. Maybe there’s something you haven’t been told. For a Reformed psalm- singing church to attempt this is a sad affair. It is not authorized by God, therefore we have no authority from God to celebrate that day that man has chosen. Today’s Easter tradition is developed around a “Good Friday” afternoon crucifixion and an “Easter Sunday” sunrise resurrection. Why do Christians celebrate Easter? Christians should desist from celebrating Easter: “Thus says the LORD: ‘Learn not the way of the nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the … It’s just like Christmas; We are not instructed to celebrate the birth of Christ. In one way, we should be happy about this, as the religious connotation to Easter has not been totally removed. "According to a Roman almanac, The Christian festival of Christmas was celebrated in Rome by A.D. 336. In fact, many believers dislike the season and have refused to celebrate it at all. While many people in secular society celebrate Christmas with a big dinner and party, it is mainly Christians that celebrate the day of our Lord Jesus’ Resurrection each year. There is no celebration of any Christian holidays in the New Testament. or, "How should a Christian celebrate Christmas?" Believers should also know that people did not widely celebrate Easter in America until after the Civil War (late 1800s) when there was a large immigration of European Catholics to this country. by Philip Neal . Wake Up Pastors, Wake up Christians! Should Christians Celebrate Easter? Introduction "Should Christians celebrate Christmas?" March 30, 2018 by Kevin Kleint I’ve been really hesitant to write this post because I knew that it would arouse the anger of many. These are questions of concern for many sincere believers.