Follow 105. ... Indominus rex because she was designed to be the prefect killing machine and even in the film she is stated not to be a adult yet a quote from wu "Oh, Indominus … They wrestled for a long time, up there on that cliff. ]#probability comparison watchdata Hendmndnf Msnsjdbbdb; 41 videos; No views; Updated today; #comparison Argentinosaurus #comparison polar … Read Indominus rex vs Tyrannosaurus rex from the story Who would win? Spino takes it in my opinion. Indominus Rex ("Untameable King”) is 15 meter long, 6–6.2 meter tall and 11,000+ kg heavy. Battle. If the Spinosaurus got a hold of the T.Rex's leg, it could drag it into the water and drown / rip it to shreds. Therizinosaurus coexist with nemegtosaurus while Tyrannosaurus rex coexist with Alamosaurus. Spinosaurus.
Meanwhile, if you are talking about real raptors, well, the T. Rex wins this, hands down. Indominus rex vs Tyrannosaurus rex Giganotosaurus vs Carcharodontosaurus ... Indoraptor vs T.rex (Who Would Win Summer break Ep.6) Dinosaurs vs Aliens (Book Review Ep.1) Deinosuchus vs T.rex ... Spinosaurus vs T.rex. What is Spinosaurus, and how would it fare in a Spinosaurus vs Carcharodontosaurus confrontation?. Note: This answer and others of mine regarding Spinosaurus are subject to change Who would win in a battle between Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus rex? Who would win? A better fight might be Vastatosaurus since though it is larger than T. imperator, his rival has the ability to rapidly regenerate severed limbs and even lower jawbones. Spinosaurus vs Indominus Rex.
They wrestled for a long time, up there on that cliff. Who Would Win? I am not into dino's like you guys are, I might be wrong on some things so please give me a break Jurassic Park fans. Both animals coexist with sauropods.
We saw the T. Rex and Velociraptor vs Indominus Rex fight scene in Jurassic World, and those raptors are some very fierce fighters. Vote. read more
Two of the largest predators to ever walk the earth.
Indominus struggled with Rexy, an older T-Rex, and then Blue came in resulting in a loss for Indominus. Spinosaurus VS Indominus Rex [Who Would Win? Pros of chael: Biggest arms in West Linn Oregon, undefeated and undisputed record; never lost a round nor a series, made Tito tap via words alone. This is already answered in the first Jurassic World movie. Tyrannosaurus rex vs Therizinosaurus. ... Spinosaurus Vs Indominus Rex Vs Carcharodontosaurus Vs Baryonyx ... Giganotosaurus VS T. rex [Who Would Win?] 4 years ago. Both start 10 feet away from each other. Spinosaurus aegyptiacus is an extinct species of theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now North Africa, from approximately 112-93.5 million years ago (upper Albian to upper Turonian stages of the Cretaceous Period).It is without a doubt, one of the most famous dinosaurs on the planet. There's only one space for the king of the dinosaurs. by Animationking (Denis Tyrant) with 422 reads. The 2 largest and most dangerous dinosaurs in the JP franchise, who will win in a fight to the death? When they back away, Indominus jumped at Spinosaurus and attempted to bite his injured crest, but a swift whack with a tail caused the Indominus to collapse. Casual. 50-50 for T. imperator vs. V. rex, but 70-30 if Indominus dared challenge my monster. I honestly think 2 will be enough to bring down a T. Rex, but still give T. Rex a good chance of winning. : Spinosaurus. 3. The Indominus Rex struck the Spinosaurus in the neck, but the Spinosaurus was quick to deliver a fast bite to the back and neck of the creature. Indominus rex.