Yayasan IAR Indonesia IAR Indonesia merupakan LSM yang bergerak di bidang penyelamatan satwa, baik satwa domestik maupun satwa liar. Yayasan IAR Indonesia, established in 2008, focuses on the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of Indonesian primates. Yayasan IAR Indonesia Location: West Kalimantan, Borneo, Indonesia. Since 2009, they have rescued over 250 orangutans displaced from habitat loss, the illegal pet trade or human-orangutan conflict (HOC). Field Conservation. Wilis, dari Timur ke Barat 19 August, 2011 | 16. About Yayasan IAR Indonesia. A research of International Animal Rescue (Yayasan IAR Indonesia) of slow loris owners revealed that students make up a large proportion of the people likely to buy a slow loris. Yayasan IAR Indonesia adalah lembaga non-profit yang bergerak di bidang kesejahteraan, perlindungan dan pelestarian satwa liar di Indonesia. About Yayasan IAR Indonesia In spite of IAR’s determination to focus on the underdogs of the conservation world, it seemed inevitable to extend its field of activity. At International Animal Rescue we not only save animals from suffering, we also rehabilitate and release them back into the wild and work to protect their precious natural habitats.
Wilis, sedang belajar bertahan hidup di hutan Yayasan IAR Indonesia merupakan satu-satunya pusat reh... Kampanye Penyadartahuan Kukang 3 November, 2011 | 13. Kegiatan utama IAR meliputi 3R yaitu rescue (penyelamatan), rehabilitation (rehabilitasi), dan release (pelepasliaran). Yayasan IAR Indonesia adalah lembaga non-profit yang bergerak di bidang kesejahteraan, perlindungan dan pelestarian satwa liar di Indonesia.
Slow lorises are adorable, which is why many of them are illegally captured for the pet trade. I co-founded YIARI with several others in 2008. It’s important to separate IAR from Yayasan IAR Indonesia. Kegiatan utama IAR meliputi 3R yaitu rescue (penyelamatan), rehabilitation (rehabilitasi), dan release (pelepasliaran). Popular Posts. West Kalimantan is one of the most heavily deforested areas of Borneo, where forests are cleared in large tracts for logging and conversion to agricultural plantations.
We return rescued animals to the wild but also provide sanctuary for animals that can’t fend for themselves. Untuk teman-teman yang ingin magang, melakukan penelitian, berkunjung atau melakukan wawancara.
Yayasan IAR Indonesia Annual Report 2011. International Animal Rescue Indonesia | Annual Report 2011 3 Introduction by Karmele Llano Sanchez International Animal Rescue comes to the aid of wild and domestic animals with hands-on rescue and rehabilitation. Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi (IAR) Indonesia atau lebih dikenal International Animal Rescue Indonesia adalah lembaga nirlaba (NGO) lingkungan hidup yang sah ditandai dengan nota kesepahaman (MoU) bersama Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan RI.. Sejak 2008, Yayasan IAR Indonesia terus tumbuh sebagai lembaga yang bergerak di bidang kesejahteraan, perlindungan … Yayasan IAR Indonesia Annual Report 2011. International Animal Rescue Indonesia | Annual Report 2011 3 Introduction by Karmele Llano Sanchez International Animal Rescue comes to the aid of wild and domestic animals with hands-on rescue and rehabilitation. 4.8K likes. Yayasan IAR Indonesia rescues and rehabilitates orangutans, macaques and slow lorises with the aim to prepare these animals for release back into their natural habitat. We return rescued animals to the wild but also provide sanctuary for The plight of the orangutan in Indonesia has reached a critical stage, with the survival of the species under serious threat. IAR Indonesia, Bogor, Indonesia. In spite of IAR’s determination to focus on the underdogs of the conservation world, it seemed inevitable to extend its field of activity.