SKY DRAGON SLAYER MAGIC! Sky Dragon Slayer Magic is a Caster Magic, Lost Magic, and a type of Dragon Slayer Magic that utilizes air.
One day, during a visit to Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a boy who immediately falls ill on any mobile vehicle. Share via Email Report Story Send.
Sky Dragon Slayer is a Caster Magic, and a type of Dragon Slayer Magic that allows the user to control air and gusts of wind. by talking_mania Follow. Sky Dragon Slayer Magic is a Caster Magic, Lost Magic, and a type of Dragon Slayer Magic that utilizes air.
Read Fairy Tail - Chapter 377 - The wrath of the sky dragon - A brief description of the Fairy Tail manga: Lucy, a 17-year-old girl, has set herself the goal of becoming a full-fledged magician. A type of Magic which grants the user various characteristics belonging to a Sky Dragon, allowing them to incorporate the element of air into their body. Share via Email Report Story 6 months had passed since Ashley met Igneel.
A type of Magic which grants the user various characteristics belonging to a Sky Dragon, allowing them to incorporate the element of air into their body.
Sky Dragon Slayer Magic(天の滅竜魔法 Ten no Metsuryū Mahō) is a Lost Magic, Caster Magic, and Dragon Slayer Magic, which is a Subspecies Magic of Slayer Magic that enables the user to manipulate, control, and consume wind, generally having absolute dominance over it, a trait that is only rivaled by Sky God Slayer Magic. Sky Dragon Slayer Magic Primary Magic: Sky Dragon Slayer Secondary Magic: Caster or Holder: Caster Description: The Magic is Sky Dragon Slayer Magic, it allows Caelum to draw on the powers of the Sky Dragon, Skyris, the one that trained him in the art of Dragon Slayer Magic. Sky Dragon Slayer Magic is a Caster Magic, Lost Magic, and a type of Dragon Slayer Magic that utilizes air.
A type of Magic which grants the user various characteristics belonging to a Sky Dragon, allowing them to incorporate the element of air into their body.
But Natsu is no ordinary boy, because he is a member of… Send to Friend. She had almost mastered the secret art of the fire dragon, learning much quicker than she did with Frost as she was stronger and older. Share.
The Celestial Sky Dragon is a fanfiction author that has written 50 stories for Fairy Tail, Highschool of the Dead, RWBY, Misc. Grandine, the sky dragon 6.6K 193 31. by talking_mania. Im Königreich Fiore ist Magie allgegenwärtig. Fairy Tail Produktionsjahr: 2009: Video-Qualität: SD, HD (Upscale) Sprache: Deutsch, Japanisch (mit Untertiteln) Genre: Abenteuer, Action, Comedy, Fantasy: Episodenanzahl: 205 / 226 FSK: 12: Mehr Infos auf: aniSearch: BD/DVD kaufen: Anime-Versand: Serien-Inhalt.
1 - Sky Dragon's Claw - The user slashes their left arm, then right, then front flip kicks, creating 3 slashes of wind in the shape of a claw which do damage and trips players.