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Because of the size limit of the PSX memory card, you will need to transfer each part before dumping the next. We use rapidgator for all our links, so feel free to get a premium for a faster download experience. Tag: REDUMP. PSVita ISOs, PKV, MaiDumps, Vitamin dumps game backups. This process takes 5 different dumps of the Bios. 1. Transfer the Bios Dumper Eboot (and SCUS00000 folder) to /PSP/GAMES/. Most of our games are mostly in VPK format with some new releases usually dumped using Mai Dump. Conclusion You can now keep all your UMD’s … PS Vita ROMS download at nblog.org. Information is provided 'as is' and solely for informational purposes, not for trading purposes or advice. This ISOs are known good dumps and … Newer games are all dumped using NoNpDrm. Make sure your PS VITA is running firmware 3.68 H-Encore to enjoy these games to the fullest. To play the games, mount the PSP’s memory card and transfer the ISO files toMS root\ISO folder.