As we have already mentioned, the heavier the shotgun, the more it will be able to... Review the forcing cone. Make Your Loads Lighter. Some shells also have hinged wads, which collapse during ignition to reduce felt recoil.
Both systems seemed to reduce recoil, but I came to the conclusion they did so mainly by increasing the overall weight of the gun rather than by any other means.
Reducing Shotgun Recoil. Not long back I carried a 7-lb. These numbers aren’t exact or linear, but they do give you the right idea that you are usually best to add/subtract weight from a gun to make the gun handle better and you reduce the load to make it shoot softer. One is to increase gun weight; the second is to install a spring effect between the gun and the shoulder, i.e., recoil pad, other compressible device, or a gas-operated autoloading action; the third is to reduce the actual recoil created by the shotshell load itself. ... Now -- no kick -- none whatsoever. Find a way to reduce recoil and you'll transition faster when shooting doubles, you'll be able to shoot longer and you'll maintain focus on the target clear through the break. Just about all attempt to do the same thing, which is to spread out the recoil over a longer period of time to reduce how much you actually feel it. They require that their shooter absorb a greater amount of recoil energy.
10 Ways to Manage Recoil. Then I started shooting skeet and realized that recoil offers no positive gains. First approach to reduce recoil impact on your shoulder is to cushion it- install a good recoil pad. Reducing shell velocity or lead, reduces recoil by twice the percentage of reduction in the shell. Squishy recoil pads, dense liquids like mercury, air chambers and springs are all used for various recoil systems that are popular with target shooters. Of these the most effective is to go right to the shotshell. It is located at the beginning of the barrel. Recoil is only a negative. Choose A Heavier Gun. This means that the momentum of a shotgun's reaction will exactly equal the momentum of the wad, shot and powder gasses ejected from the barrel. Adding a rubber pad can change the length of pull on your shotgun or rifle, so stock shortening may be required.
It's not a comfort issue, but a performance issue. Recalling how uncomfortable my wife was with the .30-’06 Sprg., I came up with a recoil-conditioning program for her ... 2. Shotgun Recoil Table By Chuck Hawks. If you’ve got a semi-automatic shotgun, its ability to spread out recoil over time is going to make firing it feel gentler than a pump action or side-by-side. The question below was asked on the SASS wire. How to reduce shotgun recoil: practical advice Increase the weight of the shotgun. I believe all these things together and especially proper fitting reduce recoil. Then come the real solutions. In addition to reducing recoil, it can be used to improve the swinging qualities of a shotgun by adding weight up front. The simplest andmost effective way to cut recoil is to shoot lighter or slower loads. I used to like a shotgun with a little thump to it. There are only three ways to reduce recoil. Recoil is the “kick back” the firer receives when the gun is fired. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction; that is one of the physical laws of our universe. Forinstance, a 1 3/8-ounce, 1450-fps load generates 50.5 foot-pounds of recoil inan 8 … Pads reduce recoil in much the same way as semi-automatic actions: they delay the recoil impulse by giving it a medium to work through; in this case, via compression of the pad.