Enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. Happy definition is - favored by luck or fortune : fortunate. Halcyon definition: A halcyon time is a time in the past that was peaceful or happy.
happy. n. 1 (in American Indian legend) the paradise to which a person passes after death. In seventh heaven. On cloud nine, 3.
3 causing joy or gladness. I'd be happy to show you around. 1. Synonym Discussion of happy. 4 fortunate; lucky. Top synonyms for happier times (other words for happier times) are happy time, happy times and happiest times. Characterized by good luck. On top of the world, 5. See Synonyms at glad. translation and definition "happy time", Dictionary English-English online. Tickled pink, 4. OpenSubtitles2018.v3. Top synonyms for happy time (other words for happy time) are happier times, fun times and happy hour.
adj , -pier, -piest. [citation needed Top synonyms for happy times (other words for happy times) are halcyon days, happier times and happy days. id. "Many happy returns" is a greeting which is used by some on birthdays, and by others in response to "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year".Since the 18th century this has been used as a salutation to offer the hope that a happy day being marked would recur many more times. happy hunting ground. 5. a. happy time. happy medium.
How to use happy in a sentence. Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus. Happy Time synonyms. : a period of time during which the price of drinks (as at a bar) is reduced or hors d'oeuvres are served free. 4. happy medium. 2 willing. See Synonyms at fortunate. The song was recorded by Leo Reisman and His Orchestra, with Lou Levin, vocal (November 1929), [citation needed] and was featured in the 1930 film Chasing Rainbows. jumble sales proved happy hunting grounds in her search for old stone jars.
Find another word for happy.
2 a productive or profitable area for a person with a particular interest or requirement.
Cheerful; willing: happy to help. Being especially well-adapted; felicitous: a happy turn of phrase.
| Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Happy Times Example sentences with "Happy Times", translation memory Then I hid in human resources, waited for them to call happy time temp agency, then I called happy time temp agency, canceled the order, and showed up with a smile and a pleasant attitude. Meaning: to be delighted. and man is page 17 HH-OT!!!" Happy: coming or … Having a whale of a time Meaning: to have a very good time, have an exciting or fun time On top of the world Meaning: to feel ecstatic, enjoy great health, success. Over the moon, 8. 3. Happy as a clam, 6.
1 feeling, showing, or expressing joy; pleased. Having a whale of a time, 2. These idioms about happiness will help you to speak English fluently and feel yourself confident. Happier Times synonyms. 42 synonyms of happy from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 148 related words, definitions, and antonyms. 5 aptly expressed; appropriate.
the happy position of not having to work. Happy times Lyrics: Wish on the moon / And look for the gold in a rainbow / And you'll find a happy time / You'll hear a tune / That lives in the heart of a bluebird / And you'll find a happy time n. a satisfactory compromise between two opposed thin ... Ex: There were solid ... drastic times call for drastic measures. It was a happy time for you It was on the way to a happy time for me