4. 2. Casual Leave Rules for Central Government Employees. Leave Rules as applicable to Central Government employees are being followed.
The rule is being amended from time to time in accordance with the situation of demands from NC JCM Staff Side and the recommendations of the pay commission. Normally employee takes leave on propational basis. CASUAL LEAVE ENTITLEMENT: It has also been decided to reduce with effect from Ist January, 1998 the number of days of Casual Leave for Central Government employees from the existing 12 days to 8 days in a year. With the implementation of the 7 th pay commission, there have been a few changes in different section of leaves offered by the central government.At present the central government offices have been following the regulation of five days a week and that result in a total of 104 holidays every year, considering the weekends. A Government servant on casual leave is not treated as absent from duty and his pay is not intermitted. Domestic workers are also eligible for 15 days earned leave in a year. Casual workers are not entitled to earn annual leave credits or to vacation leave with pay. Presently, Overtime Allowance (OTA) is not being paid to any employee, but Compensatory leave is being granted. Casual Leave. Under rule 11 of the CCS leave rules 1972 the central government employees are entitled to get 8 casual leaves (CLs) for a year, for industrial workers 10 CLs, and for defense officers 20 CLs and for defense PBORs (Personnel Below Officer Rank) 30 CLs will be entitled in every calendar year. An individual who has got an urgent work of a few hours, but do not want a leave of full day, he can avail a half day casual leave from his duty. The measure, announced in several banks in October, had surprised the employees. At present, 8 days of casual leave are allotted for central government employees. भारत सरकार GOVERNMENT OF INDIA; कार्मिक लोक शिकायत और पेंशन मंत्रालय MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCE It may be granted for a casual purpose or a planned activity, on medical grounds or in extra-ordinary conditions.
Officers staff who could not assume duty after completion of sanctioned leave period, due to suspension of Train Road Communication during the lockdown period, their over-stay is to be treated as Special Casual Leave. It’s now time for the other central government employees to face a new leave ethic. special casual leave for participation in the activities of the kendriya sachivalaya hindi parishad: chapter - x: special casual leave for interview to join territorial army etc.